Chords Of Light

Jo’s Spiritual Blog

Where To Start

March 29th, 2008

There are points in our lives when we realise something is missing – there is a hole in our lives that we need to fill with something. Some will look for a new romantic interest, new material possessions, or something more destructive such as alcolhol. But these things only bring temporary relief from our feeling of being incomplete. They are simply ways of distracting ourselves from what we are really feeling. What people are usually missing is self acceptance.

Its easy to say that people would be happier if they accepted, and loved themselves unconditionally – but the journey to doing so takes time and perseverance. To accept oneself you first of all have to get to know yourself. You have to give up distracting yourself from unpleasant, negative feelings – but that doesn’t mean that you should wallow in self pity either.

There is a balanced pathway between the two where you allow yourself to look at what you are feeling, acknowledge it, and give yourself the opportunity to see why you are feeling that way. The part that then takes practice is to then neither judge yourself nor blame others for what you are feeling. You’ll find that once you allow yourself to experience those feelings they will lose their potency and fade away. Your life will no longer need to be driven by finding ways to avoid them.

Our negative emotions – the ones that we don’t like feeling, are all based in fear. Once we can look honestly at those feelings we can then take the next step to see what exactly it is we are afraid of – and in doing that the fear loses its power over us.

Each one of us can set ourselves free, if we are willing to take the journey to know and accept ourself.

2 Responses to “Where To Start”

  1. Jackal

    Thought provoking!

  2. Melodie


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