Chords Of Light

Jo’s Spiritual Blog

All Around Us

March 30th, 2008

We went to the zoo today and for a change we decided to start at the woodland bird walk. As the trees don’t have their leaves yet, we’d thought we’d stand a good chance of actually seeing some of the birds.

It started well – there was a robin perched on a branch just a short distance from the entrance. But most of the other birds were very elusive.

At one point, my family were far enough ahead of me for me to feel like I was alone in the place. I could hear birds all around me, but I couldn’t distinguish one birds song from another’s, and I couldn’t see any of them. Occasionally I would get glimpses of birds as they flew from tree to tree, but none kept still for long enough for me to get a good look at them or photograph them.

Reflecting on this now, I wonder if how we first experience becoming conscious of spirit is similar. We know they must be around us, but we just can’t get a proper look at them. We might shudder as we sense their energy brushing up against our aura, but still we cannot see them, or hear them.

If I could be a bird, would I be able to see the other birds more clearly, and distinguish one song from another?

If I can experience myself as my spirit, how will that change what I can perceive?

Are spirit all around us but unseen, just like the birds in the trees were today?

2 Responses to “All Around Us”

  1. Bendz

    Hi Jo,

    Thanks for your visiting and sorry for the inconvenience. 🙁 It’s my fault. I’m really sorry for the design. Actually, Just I changed the layout and other settings for testing purpose. Now I think it’s readable. Soon, I’ll correct the problem. Once again sorry for this.

    Nice post and thinking. What type of meditation you’re doing?

    With Love,

  2. terri clark

    I think beginning to experience ourselves as spirit makes us more aware of the spirit energy in everything. I catch glimpses of it now, but sort of feel like a “babe in the woods” like you described.

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