Chords Of Light

Jo’s Spiritual Blog

Archive for the ‘Deep Thoughts’ category

All Around Us

March 30th, 2008

We went to the zoo today and for a change we decided to start at the woodland bird walk. As the trees don’t have their leaves yet, we’d thought we’d stand a good chance of actually seeing some of the birds. It started well – there was a robin perched on a branch just a […]

Where To Start

March 29th, 2008

There are points in our lives when we realise something is missing – there is a hole in our lives that we need to fill with something. Some will look for a new romantic interest, new material possessions, or something more destructive such as alcolhol. But these things only bring temporary relief from our feeling […]

Spiritual Awareness

March 29th, 2008

Spiritual awareness is much more than knowing what is right or wrong spiritually. You could learn that from a book, and religions have plenty of those. What makes spirituality, or spiritual awareness different to religion is that spiritual awareness is concerned with cultivating a growing awareness of ones own spiritual energies and spirit.

Peace begins within oneself?

March 15th, 2008

Over the last few weeks I’ve found myself observing friends, acquaintances and colleagues being drawn into arguments and conflicts with others. Usually it seems that the other person starts it. But, this has started me wondering if we can make a choice not to be drawn in. If we could choose a more peaceful way […]

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