Chords Of Light

Jo’s Spiritual Blog


My name’s Jo,  I’m a deeply spiritual person but also very practical in my approach to life.  I’m a reiki master and psychic artist.

For most of my life I have known that something exists beyond our physical world… a greater consciousness and much more than the physical universe. For as long as I can remember I have been certain of these things.

Growing up, there were things I needed to explore and I had no idea where to begin. When I was eighteen, I found the answer to that question: I bought my first book on meditation. Meditation has allowed me to experience myself as my spirit and learn how to integrate that spiritual awareness into my everyday life.

I used to teach IT classes for the adult education service, but gave that up a few years ago as it wasn’t a very reliable way of earning a living.  I’m still fascinated with teaching and learning and I am now looking at how to apply the knowledge I have to helping others to unlock their own spiritual awareness.

My other hobbies include digital photography and creating tags and web graphics with Paint Shop Pro.

I work in IT as a database specialist.

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